The summer is upon us. The snow and ice has melted. So has the clothing of your tempting targets. Quit your bellyaching about cold streaks and grill up some hot steaks. No more hibernating! Put away the parkas and pull out your favorite fur loincloth. Dust off the BBQ and start grilling. Calling all caveman!
Tap into your primitive side. You don’t need to bother with three-course meals. The smell of fire charring meat should suffice. Grrrrrr! Make like you’re strangling a Velociraptor and make some dino-kebabs. Effort should be minimal so long as you pull it off with panache. Cooking to Bang in the summertime has never been more basic.
So visit the butcher, your fish monger, your hippie veggie/weed dealer. Grab the goods and get with the grillin’. A little charcoal, some lighter fluid and you got fire. Try some of this fuego-fueled fare on for size, you caveman you!
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